Lennon Bronte

No, this is not John Lennon.  It sure does look like him however. This is Branwell Bronte's self-portrait.  Branwell was a poet and a painter, and the brother of Charlotte, Emily and Anne Bronte.  Branwell is said to have been the most talented of the bunch though Emily and Charlotte are more famous.  Branwell is said to have had an affair with a Mrs. Robinson (remember the Simon and Garfunkel song?  How about the movie The Graduate?  Based on Branwell's affair?  Hmmm. Maybe). Like many talented artists, Branwell became an alcoholic and a drug addict.  He eventually died of tuberculosis in 1848.

Fast forward to now.  In the book All You Need is Love,  Jewelle St James points out similarities between John and Branwell:

"Branwell, like John, was an artist and a poet. Branwell drank and did drugs, actually he did more than doing drugs, he was an addict. Branwell, like John, lost his mother at an early age, and had sisters but no brothers. Oh, and Branwell had good friends in Liverpool. … Branwell and John both drew caricatures, depicting aspects of their lives. [And finally - ] Branwell’s self portraits are the image of John Lennon! The nose, the glasses, everything." -  Jewelle St James.

What you need to know is that All You Need is Love by Jewelle St james is not about The Beatles.  It is "The heart-wrenching spiritual journey of one woman discovering her past life shared with John Baron, the seventeenth-century incarnation of John Lennon."

Apparently Jewelle St John had a session or two with Kevin Ryerson who confirmed that Lennon was Michael Byrne, John Baron and Branwell Bronte in past lives. Ryerson also went on to say that Cynthia Lennon was Mrs. Robinson in the past. 

Kevin Ryerson is an intuitive and trance channel much like Jane Roberts and Edgar Cayce.  Jewelle St James wrote a follow-up book titled The Lennon-Bronte Connection in which she talks about Lennon as Branwell and herself as Emily Bronte.

The interesting thing is that John and Branwell do look alot alike!  Do some googling.  You will see.

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