The Evolutionary Journey of a Soul - Anne Boleyn

ThreadsThreads - The Reincarnation of Anne Boleyn by Nell Gavin is a fantasy which combines elements of historical fiction, metaphysics and eastern religion into one very interesting tale.  Threads "opens with Anne's execution. Her fury at her husband's betrayal has enough momentum to survive centuries, but in Threads she learns that she has been assigned a hard task: she must review their history together through a number of past lives, and find it within herself to forgive him." (Amazon book description).  At the time I came across this book I was studying Evolutionary Astrology which delves into reincarnation and describes how one's past life experiences influence one's current life.  Threads struck me as an Evolutionary Astrology book minus the astrology.  It was a perfect example of the theory behind what evolutionary astrologers are taught - what happens after death, how past lives are the cause of the current life and how the soul determines what it needs to experience in future lives. In other words, this book was about the evolutionary journey of a soul.

Threads is written in the first person.  It is Anne Bolelyn telling her own story.  "Death is not as I had expected from hours, months, and years of religious instruction, nor is it the dark and frightening place of lore. There are neither harps nor terrifying images. I sprout neither wings nor horns. It is not as I had imagined, nor is it as I had feared. Yet it is what I had known it to be, deep within me, like words I had once memorized long ago, but forgot until now when I am from a lifetime of unconsciousness."  (Gavin, Nell (2011-07-29). Threads: The Reincarnation of Anne Boleyn (p. 11). Book and Quill Press. Kindle Edition).

After reading the book I contacted the author, Nell Gavin, and asked her if I could do her astrology chart from an Evolutionary Astrology perspective.  I was curious, was Nell the reincarnation of Anne Boleyn?  It almost seemed so based on the story she told in Threads.  After finishing her chart and sharing what I found with her, Nell and I discussed both her chart and her book via a series of emails.

Nell wrote, " It pretty much nailed me on the head. To give you a brief overview, I was born "knowing" I had to write a book. I just never knew what that book was supposed to be about, and I didn't WANT to write a book, so I never wrote anything, except five creative writing papers in English 101, and years and years of business correspondence. I also kept a journal, which is why I write in first person. When I tried to write (because I was "supposed to") it was awful, so I never got far with it."

Nell continued,  "The day we got our first computer was the day I was "inspired" to begin to write. I just sat down and did it. Like I said earlier, I hooked into the "portal" and drew the story down. Sometimes it came with entire pre-written paragraphs I only had to type - that was very odd. I had the sense that I was being taught to write, and as I got further into it I got less and less support. I rewrote everything that came through, except for The Voice - I left her every word just as I received it. "

We can only speculate in regard to whether or not Nell is a reincarnation of Anne Boleyn or a writer who was chosen to channel Anne's story, or whatever.  In any case, Nell did a fantastic job of telling Anne's story in a way that makes one look at Anne Boleyn in an entirely new light.  Most history books and works of historical fiction portray Ann Bolelyn as a less than likeable character.  Threads gives Anne's story a new spin, one that portrays her as a a normal person simply living her life and caught up in an experience that was meant to help her evolve as a soul.

"The first memories that come to me are of my life, the life just past. From birth to death they pass in a rush, but are unblurred as if time is compressed. I see the entire span of my life without recriminations, but also without rationalizations. There is no escape from the things I had done, no opportunity to right wrongs or explain things away, or even to look in another direction to avoid seeing. My thoughts and actions lay before me harsh and real. I then go back again and watch myself from infancy, more slowly and lingeringly. I examine the relationships within my family. I follow the course of my music. I watch my educational and spiritual development and my emotional decline. Like separate threads all crazily woven into the whole, I see my friends and then my enemies, and myself in tangled interaction with them all."  (Gavin, Nell (2011-07-29). Threads: The Reincarnation of Anne Boleyn (p. 12). Book and Quill Press. Kindle Edition).

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