Lessons in Relatedness: Mother Teresa Part I

"There is so much contradiction in my soul.--Such deep longing for God--so deep it is painful--a suffering continual--and yet not wanted by God--repulsed--empty--no faith--no love--no zeal.--Souls hold no attraction--Heaven means nothing--to me it looks like an empty place--the thought of it means nothing to me and yet this torturing longing for God--Pray for me please that I keep smiling at Him in spite of everything. For I am only His--so He has every right over me. I am perfectly happy to be nobody even to God" (169-70). - Mother Teresa.

With Pluto in Gemini in the seventhHouse, Mother Teresa's prior evolutionary intention and desire is to open up to others and listen to them as the soul has been learning lessons in relatedness. By engaging in a variety of relationships with a diversity of different types of people, Mother Teresa will gain a great deal of knowledge about different people's needs, values and their point of view. In the process, Mother Teresa will readjust her own perspective and point of view so that it is more inclusive of others and their beliefs.

Mother Teresa's most current life reflected this intention. She was raised as a Roman Catholic in Eastern Europe. As a Catholic Nun she lived amongst a mostly Hindu and Muslim population in India. Through the relationships she made in India she learned about these people and their spiritual beliefs. Rather than trying to convert them to her Roman Catholic beliefs, she came to accept theirs as equally valid.

When Mother Teresa died, her longtime friend and biographer Naveen Chawla said that he once asked her bluntly, “Do you convert?” She replied,“Of course I convert. I convert you to be a better Hindu or a better Muslim or a better Protestant. Once you’ve found God, it’s up to you to decide how to worship him” (“Mother Teresa Touched other Faiths,” Associated Press, Sept. 7, 1997).

Pluto is biquintile the South Node in Scorpio in the 11thHouse. The soul has a need and desire to break free from everything related to the past and other lifetimes which is preventing further

growth. There is a need and desire to objectify life on the mundane level and tune into the divine within oneself while simultaneously liberating oneself from whatever has become fixed, rigid and limiting. This includes emotional patterns and separating desires as well as all existing “norms.” The soul has been pulling away from the mainstream in order to avoid consensus conditioning and limitations. Relating back to the soul's core intention and desire, Mother Teresa chose to live on the fringe of society and form relationships with others who served to broaden her perspective:

“During her long life, Mother Teresa devoted herself to those living in the shadows and dark corners of life -- the poor, the dying, the abandoned, the unwanted. "

Pluto is square Mercury in Virgo in the ninth House. The soul has an intellectual need and desire to travel, explore, experience and investigate foreign countries and cultures that have different beliefs and ways of interpreting the meaning of life through its work or service to others. This ties back to its core intention and desire to form realtionships with a variety of people with diverse needs, values and points of view so the soul can be exposed to new information and ideas. This will occur through intellectual discussions and confrontations with others that will serve to broaden the soul's point of view related to its beliefs. Mother Teresa was raised in a Catholic culture and household. Her mother “took the children to morning mass most days and when not working in the house or helping others was always saying the rosary.” For Mother Teresa and her sisters, “ life was bound up in the parish of the Sacred Heart. Since the Catholics were a minority, the church was an important focal point for the Bojaxhiu family and gave them a clear sense of cultural and religious identity.” This identity is limiting however, in relation to the soul's core desires and intention. In addition, it is limiting in regard to Mother Teresa's need and desire to exchange ideas and knowledge with others through her work. “If she stayed in Skopje, what was the future for her?... She loved teaching but as a member of a double minority was she not bound to suffer discrimination in this career, with virtually no schools for the Albanian minority in Yugoslavia? “ Life in Skopje was limiting. At age seventeen, Mother Teresa decided to become a missionary in India which would help lead her to an understanding that truth is relative and there are many paths to the same God - In the biography Mother Teresa: Her People and Her Work, she is quoted by Desmond Doig as follows: “If in coming face to face with God we accept Him in our lives, then we ... become a better Hindu, a better Muslim, a better Catholic, a better whatever we are ... What God is in your mind you must accept.”

With Pluto sextile the Sun in Virgo in the eight house the evolutionary intention is to identify and develop a unique special purpose linked to a socially relevant need. In mother Teresa's most current life this manifested as serving others who were sick and dying. In 1952 she opened the first “Home for the Dying” in Calcutta. Up until her death, her life was focused on serving others by caring for "the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone." Through her relationships with these people, Mother Teresa learned lessons in relatedness and equality as like them, she felt abandoned by God. “... now we know that she felt close to those souls because she too knew the absence of God.”

The South Node is in Scorpio in the eleventh House. In relation to the soul's desire to open itself up to others and learn how to relate to them on an equal basis by learning about their needs, values and points of view, the soul has been trying to liberate itself from memories of past life trauma related to issues of loss and abandonment. This trauma is profound and until an inner healing takes place, the soul is limited in its ability to relate to others on an emotional level out of fear of further loss and abandonment. In her most current life Mother Teresa succumbed to this fear. “I am told God loves me – and yet the reality of darkness; coldness; emptiness is so great that nothing touches my soul. Did I make a mistake in surrendering blindly to the Call of the Sacred Heart? “ Those words, “nothing touches my soul,” are an expression of the deep emotional pain that prevents Mother Teresa from being able to get too close to anyone – even God.

The SN is sextile Uranus Rx in Capricorn in the first House. In the past, the soul may have experienced trauma from loss of a parent or a partner. This loss, or separation, left the soul feeling depressed, defeated, and guilty. It is also possible that the soul was a leader or a person consumed with a mission in which it tried to save another, or others, and failed. This left the soul feeling guilty and alone as it failed in its reponsibility to save the others, or other. This failure led to a fear of judgement or punishment or self-judgment and self-punishment. There was a build-up of inner guilt which if accompanied by anger leads to sadism. Off the karmic axis for a moment, Mars is in Virgo which is symbolic of guilt and anger. In the soul's most current life, Mother Teresa's father died when she was nine years old which is again a very traumatic, catastrophic event. His death is said to have been a political assasination. He was poisoned and at nine years old she could do nothing but stand by and watch him suffer and die. When children lose a parent they often feel guilty as though its somehow their fault. The trauma from separation and loss continues. It is said that Mother Teresa would never talk about her childhood and asked others not to talk about it either. This is an indication that she was once again repressing her emotions in regard to this loss.

The SN is trine Neptune in Cancer in the seventh House , In the past, Mother Teresa's soul has sacrificed personal relationships, and led a celibate life, in order to focus her energies on collective causes and her own spiritual development. Spirituality has served to give her a sense of belonging. She has chosen a path of devotion and serves God by nurturing and helping others. In her most recent incarnation Mother Teresa chose to help the sick, the poor, the unwanted and the dying. Although she identifies with spiritual systems that see God as a nurturing, loving and forgiving father, rather than an angry punishing God ("Today the passion of Christ is being relived in the lives of those who suffer. Suffering is not a punishment. God does not punish.)” her soul has adopted the belief (Neptune is the third house ruler) that suffering leads to redemption. This may be due to the early imprint and childhood wound left within her having watched her father suffer and die. It has become her emotional reality and she projects it out on others.

"Without our suffering, our work would be just social work - it would not be the work of Jesus Christ, not part of the redemption...All that suffering-where would the world be without it? Innocent suffering is the same as the suffering of Jesus. He suffered for us and all the innocent suffering is joined to his in the redemption. It is co-redemption. That is helping to save the world from worse things...Like all gifts, it depends on how we receive it. And that is why we need a pure heart to see the hand of God, to feel the hand of God, to recognize the gift of God in our suffering. He allows us to share in his suffering and to make up for the sins of the world."

With the SN opposition the Moon in Taurus in the fifthHouse, the soul has had a need to express itself through a special purpose that fulfills its need to be needed. The soul has merged with, and involved itself, with groups of people who it can take care of and at the same time receive recognition for doing so. The soul flip flops between periods of isolation in which it listens to its own needs and periods of involvement with others in which it listens to, and tends to, the needs of others. The soul tends to project its own needs and values onto others.

With the SN biquintile Pluto in Gemini in the seventhHouse, the soul has desired to become a public figure who has the power to influence large groups of people. In her most recent incarnation, Mother Teresa became such a figure and through her work influenced people all over the world.

The South Node Ruler is Pluto in Gemini in the seventh House. In relation to the soul's desire to learn how to participate in relationships as an equal, and to understand her relationship to the world around her, the soul has initiated relationships with a diversity of people in order to understand her individuality in a social context. She evaluates her own identity by comparing and contrasting their ideas, opinions and points of view with her own.The nature of the information that she gathers colors her understanding of herself and the world. Her pre-existing belief system creates a filter as to what information she will absorb and what it will reject. Imbalances in these relationships have created a distortion which manifests as a need to be needed which creates co-dependency in these relationships. "Co-dependency can be defined as the tendency to put others needs before your own. You accommodate others to such a degree that you tend to discount or ignore your own feelings, desires and basic needs. Your self-esteem depends largely on how well you please, take care of and/or solve problems for someone else (or many others)."

With Pluto square Mercury in Virgo in the ninth House, intellectual confrontations related to the soul's religious beliefs have occurred in the past as they were limiting growth. The soul was inclined to interprete any intellectual information related to metaphysical or cosmological beliefs in a way that reflected her own pre-existing beliefs. She likely rejected anything that did not somehow reflect what she already believed to be true or false as this would undermine her sense of security which is linked to her opinions and ideas, and religious point of view. Mercury is in a mutable sign, so she was open to listening to other opinions and points of view, but with the square there was likely a resistance which created a subconscious effect of not really listening to what was being said and rejecting any argument. In her most current incarnation, Mother Teresa often wrote letters to priests and other Catholics which reflect an inner spiritual crisis in which she revealed her belief that she had been abandoned by God. Her feelings parallel those of St John of the Cross in “The Dark Night of the Soul.” It is said (by psychologists) that tension between the individual and the divine occurs from witnessing pain and suffering – which she witnessed in Calcutta.

With Pluto biquintile the South Node in Scorpio in the eleventh House, the soul has desired to become a public figure who has the power to influence large groups of people. Mother Teresa has shared a common destiny with a large group of people over the course of time. In her most recent life she attained her desire to become a public figure who can make contact with many people and influence their thoughts, ideas and beliefs. In an interview after her death, her successor, Sister Prema, was asked to describe her image of Mother Teresa. She answered, “ She would probably say that her goal was always to convey the experience of Jesus to those around her. This is the legacy she left us. Through her life, her work, her charisma, she brought those around her to God. She did not preach, but she testified with her own life.”

With Pluto sextile the Sun in Virgo in the eighth house, the soul has merged with symbols of power that enable her to establish herself as a leader and public speaker capable of influencing others through her power of persuasion and suggestive powers. In her most recent life this was the Catholic Church.

PPP in Sagittarius in the First House

In order to grow and evolve, the soul must learn how to strike out on her own and find the answers to her metaphysical, philosophical and cosmological questions from within, herself using her intuition. She has to learn to initiate a self-motivated direction in life outside of her relationships in order to find a belief system that resonates with her soul on an intuitive level. In order to participate in relationships which are mutally independent and equal, she needs to develop an awareness that truth is relative and that there are many paths leading to the same truth. In doing so, she will no longer feel a need to defend her point of view and opinions as right and reject other people's as wrong. Once she learns that intellectual knowledge is limited, and learns to trust her intuition, she will be able to align her beliefs with natural law. Once this occurs her relationships with others will come into balance. In her most recent life, Mother Teresa appears to have actualized Pluto's Polarity Point as she came to realize there are many paths to God.

The NN is conjunct the Moon in Taurus in the fifthHouse. In order to use her intuition to find the answers to her metaphysical, philosophical and cosmological questions from within herself, there is an intention and desire to develop a self-centered focus relative to her personal purpose and her emotional reality. By relating to her own emotions, senses and needs she would develop an awareness of what she values and therefore has meaning for her. Such a focus would empower her to focus her energies in creative, vital and self-actualizing ways. With the Moon in Taurus in the fifthhouse, Mother Teresa has a huge ego and a powerful self-image which allows her to “to stand before the whole world convinced of her truth, convinced of her worth, and convinced of her importance.” By relating to her own senses and needs, Mother Teresa has created a sense of self-validation, value and meaning which flows over into her personal special purpose and allows her to actualize that purpose in a meaningful way.

With the NN trine Uranus Rx in Capricorn in the firstHouse, the evolutionary intent is to break free from past conditioning patterns that define her identity. She needs a great deal of freedom and independence to initiate any experience she deems necessary in order to realize her sense of special destiny and to learn about herself in the process. She needs to rebel against the pressures of her own peer group and socialize with people outside her peer group or become a “group of one”.

With the NN sextile Neptune in Cancer in the seventh House, the evolutionary intent is to form relationships, and interact with other people, in order to discover a sense of wholeness and recapture the spirit of the divine. There is a need and desire to find emotional security and identity in truth as well as a need to address her feeling of lack through association with others. Periods of withdrawl to contemplate and interaction with others must be balanced. On a spiritual level, this aspect exposes one to the deeper concepts of union and harmony. Spiritual values are integrated into the area of relationships and generate an aspiration for true equality and mutuality.

"There is only one God and He is God to all; therefore it is important that everyone is seen as equal before God. I’ve always said we should help a Hindu become a better Hindu, a Muslim become a better Muslim, a Catholic become a better Catholic. We believe our work should be our example to people. We have among us 475 souls - 30 families are Catholics and the rest are all Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs—all different religions. But they all come to our prayers."

Mother Teresa was learning to see the middle way between all extremes. She was trying to find balance between active interference and passive acceptance of the way things are in the world. With Neptune in Cancer she developed a sense of belonging through spirituality and helping others. She identified with a spiritual system that adopts the idea of god being forgiving. This allows for indulgence, compassion and nurturing rather than guilt and atonement. In adopting the idea of a loving and nurturing God, the concept of unity became obvious to her and allowed her to develop a strong sense of compassion for all inspite their past. She came to accept others without judging them and understanding that nothing is wrong with life itself, for everything is part of the truth.

The North Node Ruler is Venus in Leo in the eighth House. This placement symbolizes Mother Teresa's intimate relationships and intimate partner. Her deepest emotions and deepest sense of security are linked to her intimate relationships and intimate partner. Her feelings are intense and there is a resistance to letting go no matter what the circumstances. Her love is all consuming and she is totally devoted to her partner, who is special and unique, and she expects the same in return. She has a deep desire to merge with her intimate partner whom she is deeply committed to and expects the same back. At the same time she is emotionally vulnerable which leads to inner fears of rejection and abandonment as she is driven by a profound need for recognition and feedback from her partner . Mother Teresa considered Jesus to be her intimate partner. She was totally committed to Jesus and desired to please him in every way inspite her innermost feeling that he had abandoned her.

In March 1953 she wrote to her confessor: “... there is such terrible darkness within me, as if everything was dead. It has been like this more or less from the time I started ‘the work.’” Over the years she had many confessors, and she continually referred to her spiritual condition as “my darkness” and to Jesus as “the Absent One.” At the suggestion of one confessor she wrote the following to Jesus:“I call, I cling, I want -- and there is no One to answer -- no One on Whom I can cling -- no, No One. -- Alone ... Where is my Faith --even deep down right in there is nothing, but emptiness ; darkness. ... When I try to raise my thoughts to Heaven -- there is such convicting emptiness that those very thoughts return like sharp knives ; hurt my very soul. -- I am told God loves me -- and yet the reality of darkness ; coldness ; emptiness is so great that nothing touches my soul.” In 1962 she wrote: “If I ever become a Saint -- I will surely be one of ‘darkness,’” and again, “How cold-how empty -- how painful is my heart. -- Holy communion -- Holy Mass -- all the holy things of spiritual life -- of the life of Christ in me -- are all so empty -- so cold -- so un-wanted. The physical situation of my poor, left in the streets unwanted, unloved, un-claimed -- are the true picture of my own spiritual life, of my love for Jesus” (Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light, p. 232).

Her private statements about her faith and relationship with Christ continued in this vein until her death.

Venus Square Saturn Rx in Taurus in the 4th House. Venus square Saturn is symbolic of suffering through love. According to Mother Teresa, “Love, to be real, must cost, it must hurt, it must empty us of self.”Mother Teresa's emotional reality was one of lonliness and a feeling of rejection and abandonment. She had a compulsive need to be loved coupled with a feeling of being unloved. In order to feel love, one must first love themselves. Mother Teresa, however projected her emotional needs and need for love onto Jesus.

"There are so many religions and each one has its different ways of following God. I follow Christ: Jesus is my God, Jesus is my Spouse, Jesus is my Life, Jesus is my only Love, Jesus is my All in All, Jesus is my Everything."


The above piece is from an assignment I did as a student of The School of Evolutionary Astrology as
taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green - catharine j. anderson.

A Tribute to Bobby Durango

Bobby Durango by C. Anderson

My friend Bobby Durango passed away last night.  I met Bobby way back in the early to mid 1980's before anyone outside of South Florida had heard of The Rock City Angels.  Bobby had one of the best voices in rock n roll and stage presence to boot.  RCA left South Florida and signed with Geffen Records.  They released one classic album, "Young Man's Blues" and then seemed to fade into obscurity. Several years later New Renaissance Records released what is known as "The Glam Album."  This is another "classic" which was recorded prior to the band leaving South Florida and signing with Geffen.  It was actually their "demo" which they talk about in the interview below.

Sometime in the mid to late 90's Andy Panik and I crossed paths on the net.  Andy told me about this new recording by RCA.  At some point I became the band's "manager" (that would be Andy and Bobby as there was not an active band at that point).  We worked on putting together Rock City Angels reunion in Miami and tried to get a record deal for the new music - "Use Once and Destroy."  I created and managed the bands's web page and over time it all kind of fell apart.  A long story not really worth telling.  In any case, Bobby eventually found the money he needed to "sweeten" Use Once & Destroy.  He put a new version of the band together and  released the album!!!!   One of the band's first shows was in Fort Lauderdale, Fl and I went to see them.  Bobby was still the great performer I remembered.  The picture above is from that night after RCA played. 

Bobby's passing makes me sad.  He is a rock n roll legend in my book.  Not knowing what else to say, here is a transcript of an interview I did with Bobby and RCA circa 1980 something.  This article appeared in Gold Coast Live! magazine with RCA on the cover.

Rockin With The Angels

words & photos by Catharine Anderson

The Rock City Angels have become South Florida's very own "underground rock stars." Though there are very few clubs allowing bands such as the Angels to grace their stages, The Rock City Angels have become very well known and very popular inspite of the fact. The band gets press. The band gets girls - lots of girls. The band gets fan mail. And...most important, they get gigs when there are gigs to be had. The Rock City Angels are in demand. Everytime a new "progressive rock club" or "original music club" opens up they want the Rock City Angels to play. Why so? Because the Rock City Angels can draw a crowd and that's what it takes to keep a club owner happy.

Although the Angels have become"glam" stars on the so called South Florida "underground circuit." they still have a long way to go in order to reach their ultimate goals. The band members feel, in their hearts, that they play the kind of rock n roll that people would really get into if exposed to it. The Rock City Angels play the type of music they grew up with - glam. The band's influences include Gary Glitter, The New York Dolls, The Rolling Stons, The Sex Pistols, The Dead Boys, The Bay City Rollers, The Monkees, Aerosmith and a variety of styles from Motown to metal to everything inbetween.

"We just play a straight rock n roll type of beat," claims bassist Andy Panic. "We're trying to bring rock n roll back."

"Instead of liking all kinds of music, alot of people only like a certain type of thing," states vocalist Bobby St. Valentine. "Let's face it, if you're a mature musician, you listen to all kinds of things. We don't want to be labeled "heavy metal." You're going to hear all kinds of influences in our music - heavy metal, Motown, punk, every kind of music there is. Funk. It's all there."

"Rock n roll never went away, its always been consistant," points out guitarist Jimmy James. "There have been other fads, like disco and heavy metal."

Bobby interjects, "Yeah, but its gotten to the point where rock n roll is underground."

"All that other stuff is popularized," explains Andy. "Pretty soon what will happen is people are going to go 'remember guitars?'"

"And drums. Real drums. Not synthensizers," adds Greg Sparks.

The Rock City Angels differentiate between stage costumes and music. The Angels believe that if you dress "glam" and sell yourself as "glam" then you should play the music that fits the image. "All these bands look like Aerosmith ten years ago," points out Steven Knight, "But they don't have the balls to go out there and play the same music. That's one thing we can say."

"Even Aerosmith, these kids don't know what Aerosmith is," says Andy.

"In California the big deal is that all the heavy metal bands go out and say, 'We're a glam band.' They all try to look like The New York Dolls or something. And you know what they sound like? They all sound like Ratt!!!! \" explains Jimmy.

"I get so mad," Bobby says. "They're taking our image. They're taking our whole look and everything like that. They're just giving us a bad name because they're not playing rock n roll. They're palying bullshit!"

"Its all connected to the look," agrees Andy.

"the New York Dolls could come out right now and people would call them a heavy metal band," claims Bobby. "And that's the truth! And anybody who thinks Aerosmith is a heavy metal band is stupid

"Anybody who knows about blues and rock n roll knows," states Andy.

"Even T. Rex," adds Bobby. "People would think they are a heavy metal..."

"yeah, they have long hair," agrees Steven.

"The Who could come out right now and people would call them punk," says Bobby. "Its true man."

Being in a band in South Florida is not always encouraging. The Angels have managed to stick it out over the years and still believe in what they are doing. The band has recorded an eleven song cassette which will be released shortly. "Alot of people have other Rock City Angel demos," says Bobby, "but this one is different. This one is definitely better than any we've done in the past. It's like the first time it's happened! The only reason we're putting this out is because me and Andy have been playing together for five years and this is it! We're sick of all the bullshit. This is kind of a last ditch effort. We're sick of sitting around. We want to get the attention of a label. Not a big label. Just a label that will get it distributed. Safety Net, Enigma...we don't care. We want to sign with anyone who will get our stuff out."

"Especially Enigma," says Jimmy. "I played the stuff out in California. People really loved it!"

"The funny thing is that people who don't know us, or never heard of us, hear us and like us, " explains Bobby. "We get alot of letters and stuff. People around here just don't understand."

"Yeah, people see us with long hair and they think we're heavy metal. They hear us and find out we don't play heavy metal and then they think we suck!" explains Jimmy.

"WE could play heavy metal," Bobby points out. "That's the thing. This band is so multi-talented. You listen to our tape and there's not one single kind of song on there. Not all the songs sound the same. There's alot of range. There's a range of musical styles."

The Rock City Angels have a number of originals which they play as well as a number of 70's style "glam" covers. The band does songs by all their favorite influences, but really rocks when they do their own songs. Included in their live set, as well as on their cassette, are songs like "Out of the Mouths of Babes," (an "All the Young Dudes" type anthem song), "Wild Tiger" (a straight ahead rockin "come on baby and f----me song), Rough and Tumble" and one song that sums up what The Rock City Angels are about - "Teenage Lipstick Boys."

"Every single song sounds real simple and everything," says Bobby. "But if you liten to the words, they're not. All our words deal with subjects like lonliness...but its not pessemistic."

The Rock City Angels asked that this interview be dedicated to Ricky Nelson. "The thing is they blame it all on drugs," Jimmy says. ""Well, f---- that man. He died! F--- the drugs! He's dead! Why nail him for that? He's dead already. Poor guy - he's got the music behind him."

"We knew him," says Andy.

The Angels want to thank everybody for their support! Their tape will be available in any record store that will carry it or by mailing. $6.95 to the Angels. "If the postage is less than 75 cents, we'll put a quarter in the envelope with an autographed picture of Andy," they promise.

Astrology Book List

Below is a list of astrology books compiled in 2008.  I retrieved this list from my old astrology site (Astrology Power Zone) via The Way Back Time Machine.  There is alot of other good info on Astrology Power Zone including some informative articles by Janet Kane and others.  If you would like to take a look just click here to go to Astrology Power Zone.

Alan Oken's Complete Astrology Alan Oken
American Atlas Thomas G. Shanks
American Book of Tables Neil Michelsen
American Ephemeris 1991-2000 Neil Michelsen
American Ephemeris 2001-2010 Neil Michelsen
American Ephemeris for the 20th Century at midnight Neil Michelsen
American Ephemeris for the 20th Century at noon Neil Michelsen
American Ephemeris for the 21st Century 2001-2050 at midnight Neil Michelsen
American Ephemeris for the 21st Century 2001-2050 at noon Neil Michelsen
American Sidereal Ephemeris 1976-2000 Neil Michelsen
An Astrological Guide to Self-Awareness Donna Cunningham
An Astrological Herbal for Women Elisabeth Brooke
An Astrological Triptych Dane Rudhyar
Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer James Braha
An Easygoing Guide to Astrology Nancy Cassell
Approximate Positions of Asteroids 1851 - 2050 E. Donath
Arabic Parts in Astrology: Lost Key to Prediction Robert Zoller
Archetypes of the Zodiac Kathleen Burt
Art of Synthesis Alan Leo
Ascendant: Your Karmic Doorway Martin Schulman
Aspects & Personality Karen Hamaker-Zondag
Aspects in Vedic Astrology Pandit Ohja
Asteroids in Synastry Emma Belle Donath
Asteroid Name Encyclopedia Jacob Schwartz
Astro-Alchemy: Making the Most of Your Transits Joan Negus
Astroanalysis Aries through Pisces Astroanalysis
Astro Data 1 (Profiles of Women) Lois Rodden
Astro Data 2 (Famous People's Charts) Lois Rodden
Astro Data 5: Profiles of Crime Lois Rodden
Astro Diagnosis: A Guide to Healing Max & Augusta Heindel
Astro-Guide to Nutrition & Vitamins Lynne Palmer
Astro-Essentials: Planets in Signs, Houses & Aspect Maritha Pottenger
Astro-Logos: Revelations of a Hindu Astrologer James Braha
Astrological Aspects: A Process Oriented Approach Dane Rudhyar
Astrological Aspects: Your Inner Dialogues-How Planetary Relationships Illuminate Jeanne Avery
Astrological Body Types: Face, Form, & Expression Judith A. Hill
Astrological Counseling: The Path to Self-Actualization Joan McEvers
Astrological Healing Reinhold Ebertin
Astrological Healing Gems Shivaji Bhattacharjee
Astrological Houses Bruno & Louise Huber
Astrological Houses Dane Rudhyar
Astrological Insights into Personality Betty Lunsted
Astrological Insights into the Spiritual Life Dane Rudhyar
Astrological Neptune and the Quest for Redemption Liz Greene
Astrological Psychosynthesis: The Integration of Personality, Love & Intelligence in the Horoscope Bruno Huber
Astrological Secrets of the Hebrew Sages J. Dobin
Astrologickal Magick Estelle Daniels
Astrologer's Handbook Julia Parker
Astrologer's Handbook Frances Sakoian & Louis Acker
Astrologer's Node Book Donna Van Toen
Astrological Games People Play Bernie Ashman
Astrology & Heredity: The Thread of Life J. Peel
Astrology & Past Lives Mary Devlin
Astrology & Relationships Mary Devlin
Astrology & Spiritual Development Donna Cunningham
Astrology & The Games People Play in Work & Relationships Spencer Grendahl
Astrology & the Stock Market Louise McWhirter
Astrology & Your Past Lives Jeanne Avery
Astrology Alive: Experiential Astrology, Astro Drama, & Healing Arts Barbara Schermer
Astrology: A Cosmic Science Isabel Hickey
Astrology for All Alan Leo
Astrology for Cats: Your Feline's Star Signs Trunal & Walter Keiner
Astrology for Children: The Planets J. Weinstein
Astrology for the Absolute Beginner: How to Interpret Your Own Birth chart Vol. 1
Astrology for Initiates Papus
Astrology for the Light Side of the Brain Kim Roger-Gallagher
Astrology for Lovers Liz Greene
Astrology for the Millions Grant Lewi
Astrology for the Soul Jan Spiller
Astrology for Yourself: A Workbook Bloch & George
Astrology for Women Gloria Star
Astrology: History, Symbols, & Signs S. Nesle
Astrology, How & Why It Works: An Introduction to Basic Astrology Marc Edmund Jones
Astrology in Action: Transits, Progressions & Chart Themes Famous Paul Wright
Astrology in Modern Language Vaughan
Astrology Inside & Out Bruce Nevin
Astrology, Karma, & Transformation Stephen Arroyo
Astrology: Key to Holistic Health Marcia Starck
Astrology, Nutrition, & Health R. Jansley
Astrology of Childbirth Doris C. Doane
Astrology of Choice Roy Alexander
Astrology of Death Richard Houck
Astrology of Fate Liz Greene
Astrology of Human Relationships Frances Sakoian & Louis Acker
Astrology of Personality Dane Rudhyar
Astrology of the Famed Noel Tyl
Astrology of Self Discovery Tracy Marks
Astrology of Sexuality Martin Schulman
Astrology, Psychology, & the Four Elements Stephen Arroyo
Astrology Really Works Magi Society
Astrology: The Classic Guide to Understanding Your Horoscope Ronald Davison
Astrology: The Evidence of Science Percy Seymour
Astrology & Consciousness: The Wheel of Light Rio Olesky
Astrology's Special Measurements Noel Tyl

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I Never Met an Asteroid I Didn't Like

"I Never Met an Asteroid I Didn’t Like"
An Interview with Kim Falconer

Kim Falconer is an astrologer and a writer who was born in Santa Cruz, CA and now lives on the far east coast of Australia. Kim was introduced to astrology at an early age and has three decades of astrological experience . Kim has studied the works of such eminent teachers as Joanne Wickenburg, Dennis Elwell, Isabel Hickey, Howard Sasportas, Liz Greene and Richard Idemon.  Kim is the author of Asteroid 433 Eros: The Astrology of Love and Astrology & Aptitude: How to Become What You Were Meant to Be and of Vital Signs: The Astrology of Well Being. Kim writes for a number of astrology magazines including Dell Horoscope and The Mountain Astrologer.

AstrologyPowerZone:  In your biography, you state that your father inspired your interest in
the occult. You go on to say that he used horoscopes in conjunction with financial adventures. You, on the other hand, choose a totally different astrological path, one that incorporates ancient wisdom and mythology with psychological theories, art and poetry. Where did this influence come from and how were you able to blend it with what you learned from your father?

Kim:  Where did it come from? Art history class, for a start. I was enamored with my high school art teacher, and inspired by the rich and vivid myths that went with classical paintings, sculptures and crockery. I was seventeen at the time, the same year my father signed me up for my first formal astrology course. It was taught by a mystical woman, Lois Goff, and although she was strictly traditional, she transmitted a lot of magic and sense of the inner world.

Also, my mother is a poetess. Over the years she has exposed me to the world of prose and poetry in delightful ways. She’d never admit it, but Mom links symbolic meaning to everything quite naturally, especially word meanings. From her example, I made it a habit early on to link words and phrases with astrological symbols. For instance, take Keats: "Virgin choir to make delicious moan/upon the midnight hours." Right away, I think of a culminating Moon in Virgo! Or, Voltaire, "Once people begin to reason, all is lost." What else but Mercury/Neptune? Or my mother's, "The persevering sea harbors all things/Cast adrift in her wardrobe of shadows;" Sounds like Saturn in the 12th house to me! Attention to WORDS would definitely be my mother's influence!

I clearly recall the event that brought me to incorporate depth psychology into my astrological approach. After I spent 7 years in diligent traditional astrological study, my father gave me a set of
tapes from the 1980 Saturn/Jupiter conjunction conference in California. I listened in awe to Liz Greene speak about Neptune and the therapeutic process. Something went "click" in my mind and I never looked back. That’s when I started reading everything of hers, and others like Idemon
and Sasportas and Jim Lewis.

My father and I would debate the nature of outer planet transits, progression, nodes etc for hours. That really helped me, even if we didn’t come to an agreement (which was often). Defending a position requires you to be very clear and articulate, at least if you want to present a successful defense!

AstrologyPowerZone: Much of the material on your website and in your articles focuses on
Asteroid 433 Eros. What is it that attracts you to this asteroid? Why have you choosen to research it so deeply?

Kim: Why Eros? I have to chuckle at this now. It all started out as a mistake! (if there are such things).

I was looking for a copy of the myth of Psyche and Eros, flipping around in search engines on the internet. I knew, vaguely, that there were asteroids out there and did use (minimally) Ceres, Juno, Vesta and Pallas, but they were not my focus. I just wanted to read a good translation of the Myth.

But, by some weird “accident” I printed out not a copy of the myth but a NASA site I didn’t even know the browser was open to. It was all about sending a NEAR satellite to 433 Eros. What? I was stunned. Knowing the synchronistic nature between the discovery or focus on a planet and the
awakening in the collective of what that planet represents, I dove in! That was eight years ago, and my interest in all minor planets has increased rapidly ever since.

AstrologyPowerZone: In your biography you mention that you are currently investigating
asteroids, and other special points in the horoscope, following their relevance to health and relationships. Can you elaborate on this a bit?

Kim: I see the asteroids as the “fine tuning” dial on a TV. The major planets  give you the “big picture” and the minor ones sharpen it, honing in on subtleties that might otherwise be missed. In relationships of all kinds, business, friendship, family, lovers, the synastry contacts might include asteroids, connecting two (or more) people in ways the major planets may not describe. The same goes for composite charts.

As far as health is concerned, I associate vitality with being able to express authentically. The finer the detailed understanding of that authentic SELF, the stronger, fitter and more vibrant we become. In this context, the repression or degrading of energy (represented in the chart as unexpressed planets and points in the various signs) finds its only outlet through the body as dis-ease.

A simplistic example would be someone with natal asteroid Psyche on the Ascendant in Aries who was, for what ever reason, unable to push out adventurously into the world, be immediate in action and assertive in nature, especially when it came to connecting with others on a deeper level, might experience migraine head aches. Again, the energy has to go somewhere and if can’t find a creative rout, there is always the body. (Aries rules the head)

AstrologyPowerZone: Have you found anything that interests you as much as Asteroid 433 Eros

Kim: I never met an asteroid I didn’t like, although 433 Eros is my “first love” when it comes to the minor planets. I find others fascinating and insightful, particularly the planet crossers (those orbiting between Venus and Mars), the Centaurs, (those orbiting between Jupiter and Neptune)and of course the “main” asteroids in the belt between Mars and Jupiter. The discovery of the Kuiper Belt, beyond the orbit of Pluto is going to bring a new twist to Astrology, especially with the discovery
of Quaoar.

I must say I am exceptionally interested at the moment in asteroid 3753 Cruithne (pronounced 'croo-een-ya'). It has a “companion” like orbit to earth which actually moves in a horseshoe pattern. Although it orbits the Sun in almost exactly the same time period as the earth, because of the eccentricities, it can go many years without transiting certain signs!

AstrologyPowerZone: You have a background in health and have worked as a medical assistant,
animal health technician and board certified lactation consultant for twenty years. You also hold diplomas in herbal medicine, nutrition, zoology and literature. With such a background, I assume you have some interest in medical astrology? If so, can you talk a little bit about how mythological symbolism can be used in regard to health?

Kim: Myths are metaphors for life. They tell a story that somehow evokes a deeper feeling or movement of the psyche, resonating with our unconscious like a painting, poem, musical piece or dance.

In regards to health, I think they can help us understand what might be “wrong” (undervalued, repressed, unnourished) with us on an inner level.

Each myth portrays an aspect of soul nature, searching, striving, struggling or being forced to express. If we can understand more of what is waking up in our unconscious, we can honor and support it. The more we “do” who we are striving to becoming, the healthier we feel, simple
as that!


The above is an interview with Kim Falconer which appeared on one of my many websites in the past (Astrology Power Zone).  The site is history but I still find my interview with Kim interesting so I decided to post it here.  Kim has evolved.  She is still practicing astrology but is now a successful novelist as well. 

The Novels:  Quantum EnchantmentPath of the Stray, Road to the Soul and Journey by Night

Dying to Have Known

I am watching a documentary called "Dying to Have Known - The Cancer Cure" while cleaning the house.  The film is about The Gerson Therapy which some claim can prevent and/or cure cancer.  This takes me back several years.  There was a time when I studied cancer from the perspective of Holistic Nutrition.  The Gerson Therapy was one of the therapies I studied.

"Max Gerson (October 18, 1881 – March 8, 1959) was a German physician who developed the Gerson Therapy, an alternative dietary therapy, which he claimed could cure cancer and most chronic, degenerative diseases. Gerson described his approach in the book A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases. However, when Gerson's claims were examined by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), they found that his records lacked the basic information necessary to systematically evaluate his claims. The NCI concluded that his data showed no benefit from his treatment.  The therapy is scientifically unsupported and potentially hazardous." - Wikipedia

Judging by this introductory paragraph from Wikipedia not much has changed since I studied The Gerson Therapy.  The film proves this as well.  As pointed out in the film, the cancer industry employees more people than have cancer so it is safe to say that they are very reluctant to properly research and test The Gerson Therapy. 

Most of what I learned about The Gerson Therapy came from reading Charlotte Gerson's book The Gerson Therapy.  It is an excellent book and I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in fighting cancer with nutrition. Conventional medicine shuns such treatments and is fond of calling practitioners who utilize such treatments "Quacks." It seems that the Japanese are more open minded.  Towards the end of the film we hear from a Japanese doctor who is treating patients with the Gerson Therapy and saving lives.

Another interesting documentary is The Beautiful Truth.  This is a documentary by a 15 year old who sets out to learn about the Gerson Therapy.

"After the tragic death of his mother, Garrett s father decided to home-school his son and assigned a book written by Dr. Max Gerson that proposes a direct link between diet and a cure for cancer.
Fascinated, Garrett embarks on a cross-country road trip to investigate The Gerson Therapy. He meets with scientists, doctors and cancer survivors who reveal how it is in the best interest of the multi-billion dollar medical industry to dismiss the notion of alternative and natural cures. (topdocumentaryfilms.com)